For those who are looking for handy-dandy word processors, I bring you... my collection. Yes, I collect word processors. I like to change things up a little bit.

OpenOffice is just like Microsoft Word, except free. It's got nice features, as well, like being able to change the background colours, and put your screen onto "full screen" so that you see nothing but what you type. Recommended by me, and

I also recommend GoogleDocs. It's good for not only backing up your files on the Internet, but for writing, as well. that way, you can write your story on any computer. I'm not thrilled with the size limits and how annoying it can be to format, but it does the trick. And with GoogleGears, you are able to edit offline, and then have it automagically upload it to your account once you connect to the Internet.

Writer is pretty handy, because it's not distracting. But it doesn't have any formatting perks. Think of it as "Write Or Die" without the "Or Die". Except that it's "WriteR" and not just "Write".

Q10 is a programme I'm still new to, but I love it. It's just so simple, and makes typewriter noises (I love to hear the ribbon sound when I press 'enter'!). There isn't any formatting or anything, but you can save the files, and you can always copy and paste them to the document you plan on formatting when you edit. Be sure to NOT install it to your program files, or it won't install. Just install it to your main drive (not my idea - took me a month to get frustrated with it until someone here helped me out).

Then, there's good old Notepad. No distractions, whatsoever - you can't even change the colour of the text. I write on Notepad when all else fails, and copy-and-paste it to my document. I just cannot write in the actual story document - it drives me insane.

Remember, when you're writing, it's about writing. Not editing. When you're writing, use the backspace key only when you must, and don't worry about major formatting (italics, etc.). That will come later.

If you have any more recommendations to add, do so! I have Windows, so I'm not aware with what runs with Linux or other systems!
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