I feel like my introduction post was poorly written. Why? Because it was probably poorly written.

I am a 17 yr. old writer, who resides in Florida. I have been writing just about as long as I could - when I was six, I got this Barbie journal for about $6, and just never quit writing.

I don't know why I like to write. Maybe it's that thrill you get when you know you've told a story that no one else has before. Maybe it's that 'thing' you've got inside of you that brings you so much joy you just HAVE to share with everyone else. Maybe the simple sounds the typewriter makes makes you happy. For me, it's all of the above, and more.

I write a variety of things. Original YA fiction, and adult fanfiction is what I have a tendency to write most of the time. I count my progress as words - most first drafts end up being at least 150,000 words, which I cut down to about 100,000 by the end of the second or third draft. My goal this year is to write enough first-drafts to make 1,000,000 words - I started on November 1st, to coincide with NaNoWriMo, and am about 40,000 words behind as I write this post, thanks to computer problems. I can catch up in about a week, but it's going to a bumpy ride.

My intentions are to blog about all things writing, with maybe a few other things in between. Tips to keep you writing, motivations, chapter titles, you name it, I'll have it.

Now, to get that 40,000 down...
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